周丹,硕士,教授,硕士研究生导师。本科毕业于华中科技大学8188威尼斯娱人城,研究生毕业于华中科技大学8188威尼斯娱人城。2016.09-2017.06 曾赴北京外国语大学进修,主要研究翻译学和英语教学。曾主编教材2部,主持省级课题6项,发表论文40余篇,其中CSSCI和北大核心期刊论文6篇,国际检索论文10余篇,主讲本科生“大学英语”、“学科英语”和“英语语言拓展”等课程。
Zhou Dan
Associate professor
Email: zhoudan@wtu.edu.cn
Zhou Dan, MA, associate professor, Postgraduate Supervisor; with both BA and MA from HUST; Further study in Beijing Foreign Studies University from Sept. 2016 to Jun.2017; Research interest lies in translation studies and English Education; responsible for 6 provincial research projects; main publications include 2 textbooks and 40 research papers on CSSCI journals and other refereed journals; lecturer of “College English”, “English for General Academic Purposes” and “Development of English Language”.