胡彩玲,文学学士,副教授,8188威尼斯娱人城教师,高级心理咨询师。本科毕业于湖北师范大学外文系。2004年曾赴英国 University of Durham短暂进修,主要从事英语教学研究工作,对心理学感兴趣,曾参编教材三部,发表论文19篇,主讲本科生“大学英语”课程。
Hu Cailing, Bachelor of Arts from Hubei normal university, Associate Professor, a teacher of the School of Foreign Language, a senior psychological consultant; further study in University of Durham of Great Britain in 2004; Research interest covers English teaching and psychology; Main publications include 3 textbooks and 19 research papers; associate professor of “College English”.